


Qualifying Examination

Higher Secondary Certificate Examination (Academic or Vocational Subject)


Mandatory Subjects under Qualifying Examination

Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (Any one of these subjects for vocational studies)


Minimum Marks in Mandatory Subjects

General – 45%

Backward Classes including Backward Class Muslim – 40%

MBC & DNC – 40%

SC/SCA/ST – 40%


Vocational Subjects prescribed under Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA) eligibility criteria

·         General Machinist

·         Electrical Machines and Appliances

·         Electronic Equipment

·         Draughtsman Civil

·         Auto Mechanic

·         Textile Technology


*Candidates have to produce original grade certificates to prove their scores or otherwise they shall be considered to have complied with the minimum score only. Also, rounding of marks shall not be considered for calculating the minimum marks as per TNEA 2024 eligibility criteria.