Name of the faculty
Desgnation & Department
Academic year
The learning objectives are clear and appropriate to the program SelectGoodModeratePoor
The curriculum and syllabus are well organized and suitable to the program SelectGoodModeratePoor
The text Books/Reference Books are well suited to the course SelectGoodModeratePoor
The system followed by the university for the design and development of curriculum is effective SelectGoodModeratePoor
Provision to update curriculum time to time SelectGoodModeratePoor
How do you rate the distribution of contact hours among the course components? SelectGoodModeratePoor
The curriculum has a good balance between theory and practical SelectGoodModeratePoor
How do you rate the electives offered in relation to the technological advancements SelectGoodModeratePoor
Classrooms are clean and well maintained SelectGoodModeratePoor
The functioning of Placement Cell is satisfactory SelectGoodModeratePoor
Toilets/washrooms are hygienic and properly maintained. SelectGoodModeratePoor
Canteen facility in college SelectGoodModeratePoor
Rate the green campus initiatives taken in the campus SelectGoodModeratePoor
Rate the IC6T facilities in campus SelectGoodModeratePoor
Availability of busses in all routes SelectGoodModeratePoor
Availability of prescribed books/reading materials in library SelectGoodModeratePoor
Availability of water/ Wi-Fi/food in hostel and college SelectGoodModeratePoor
Grievances/problems are redressed/resolved well in time. SelectGoodModeratePoor
Suggestions for further Improvement